Counting Calories is BS

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Do you hate counting calories?

Does it leave you feeling discouraged, overwhelmed or just flat out feel like giving up?

If so, I have good news!!!

Counting calories and macros aren’t always the best way to drop weight.

Yes, some people do great on this but if you don’t, I don’t want you feeling discouraged.

I want to make sure you know there is a different way and in my personal opinion, a better way.

You can count calories and macros all day long. You will probably see some sort of result from this because you are being more mindful about what you are eating but life catches up, counting gets too tough and eventually you fall back into the same old habit of constantly falling off. Right?

That leaves anyone feeling discouraged.

Another thing I hate about counting calories is the fact that you don’t actually pin point what foods help you thrive and which ones stall your progress. This little freaking hang up is what held me back for 6 years! I was in this vicious, depressing cycle of constantly starting over. I had an extra 40lbs and entire young life that I threw away because I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin.

I was eating “clean” and working out like a machine with no results. It was beyond depressing.

I finally started realizing that this way was a waste of time and something needed to change. Instead of complicating things and jumping on the next trendy diet. I took a step back and did something I never did before. I listened to my body and what I felt was best for me then I started learning about IIN and got certified through them and that little switch up right there led me to changing thousands of women’s lives worldwide including my own.

I finally dropped that 40lbs, my hormones balanced out, I felt better than ever and truly felt great in my own skin even after having a baby! I felt more sexy than ever before and you can too! You just have to have a different approach!!! When the same old thing isn’t working, it is time to look at everything and figure out a new plan.

If you are ready to biohack your body so you can drop weight and keep it off then let’s jump on a call now!

  1. Book your call here
  2. Pick a time and date
  3. Be ready to chat with me on zoom



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