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Tana Ashlee

I have been on my own fitness journey for 20 years and spent 6 years of my journey struggling with an extra 30/40lbs. I had no energy, low self-esteem, frustrated and none of my clothes fit anymore…

I was dropping carbs, doing high protein, tons of cardio but would fall off after a few days. Then I would binge eat ice cream and cake only to gain more weight so it was a vicious cycle I was stuck in FOR YEARS!

Have you ever been through that?

So frustrating, right?

I finally had a breakthrough in the middle of a meltdown…

The scale hit the highest number I have ever seen and I remember feeling so defeated, feeling like a failure, wanting to hide… I sat down on my bathroom floor and literally sobbed my eyes out! I was so sick of turning down dates with hot guys and beautiful friends because I didn’t feel confident enough to put on a cute outfit and go join them for a fun night out.

I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong… I had been fit before so why is it so hard now?

I started researching on gut and hormone health and how these impact a woman on their weight loss. I soon realized, these are the two main reasons, women can’t lose weight.

When our gut or hormone health is off, we have more cravings, more hunger, don’t feel as motivated or focused making it hard to stick to a weight loss journey.

Mix that in with restrictive dieting and you are setting yourself up for failure. Once you heal the gut, balance the hormones and have your habits dialed in, that’s where long term success comes in!

It is exactly how I dropped 54lbs and kept it off and I have done the same for thousands of women worldwide. Are you next? 👇🏼


Get and stay fit by rewiring your habits, gut and hormone health in an easy and effortless way so you can have the confidence and body you deserve without giving up your favorite foods.