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Why women don’t bounce back after pregnancy

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Us ladies are so pressured to “bounce” back after pregnancy (and I have to say, I hate that term)

We are already under so much stress dealing with life changes, hormone changes, loads of laundry and the list continues.

The thought of making time for ourselves can cause more stress but we have to look at it in a different light.

We serve everyone before we serve ourselves. This leads to stressed out, overwhelmed and depressed mothers and that not only effects you but your family too.

It’s time you make time for you so you can feel happy, healthy and confident. Showing up for yourself will only allow you to show up better for your family.

Find a schedule that works for you. 10 minute workouts, easy on the go breakfast for you or getting outdoors more. Whatever it may be, be sure to do it.

Now, let’s talk about some things that may hold you back with your progress…

If you just gave birth your hormones and thyroid will be out of wack anywhere from 6-12 months. Sometimes, they never go back to normal and here’s how you can tell.

  1. Doing HIIT workouts with no results
  2. Eating clean with no results
  3. Storing fat in lower belly, back of the arms and inner thighs

When you are dealing with a wacky thyroid doing HIIT workouts can actually make it worse and prevent you from seeing results. There are lots of healthy foods that can also mess with your thyroid and cause you to gain weight. This alone can cause more stress, leave you feeling discouraged and wanting to give up but DON’T!

You deserve results and just need a slight tweak.

Try this…

  1. Less intense workouts
  2. Elimination diet
  3. Managing stress

This should help but if after a few days, you still see no results then it’s time to book your call for some help. Don’t waste all your precious time trying to figure this out on your own. Let me help you.

All you need to do is…

  1. Book your call (here)
  2. Fill out application
  3. Be on time for all call with no distractions

Can’t wait to get you results. Talk soon!

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