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Time Management

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People use the excuse “I don’t have time” way too often.

So today, I am here to challenge you to make time for your goals.

When you desire something, you have to make time for it but a lot of times instead of making time, we make excuses. When that happens it’s usually because we don’t believe we can achieve something or our goals aren’t strong enough. Your goals and road map to get there have to be solid and you have to feel confident about it or you won’t have the motivation to do it.

If you don’t have the motivation to do it then you’ll allow BS excuses to rule your day…which will get you no where.

How to MAKE time…

Cut out BS time this would include Gossip, TV time, Party Time, Scrolling through social media and just being flat out lazy time. This stuff can add hours to your day/week/month and year. Most people spend 3 hours in front of a TV a day! A DAY! A FREAKING DAY! This was mind-blowing to me. A DAY! I get it if it is once a week and you got everything you done that you wanted to get done but other than that… you shouldn’t be wasting so much time on pointless stuff.

One way to cut through all the pointless stuff and get straight to business is by scheduling out your week. I am huge on this. Every Sunday, I sit done and set my intention and goals for the week. Once I do that, I start mapping out exactly how to get it done. When we have a big goal without scheduled/ small steps towards it… it feels impossible but the second we break it down, we see how easy it is to accomplishing it and makes it more motivating to take action!

So give it a try and stop with the excuses! We are all busy and we all have the same amount of time to get shit done. So go do it. XO

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