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Detox from Halloween 🎃

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Do you feel you over did it with the sugar this weekend?
Feel like it’s time to detox?

 I definitely did and it leaves me feeling foggy, bloated and puffy. Oh and not to mention, I crave more sugar.
Please tell me, I’m not alone here…  

In order for me to be at my best in every area of life…
I know I need to get rid of this crappy feeling asap and if you are reading this, I am sure you are feeling the same!

So now, you’re probably wondering how to get rid of this feeling of brain fog and puffiness asap…

Let’s do this quick and painless in 5 easy steps

1. Cut out ALL sugar (NOW, yes put that halloween candy down sis 😂)
2. Start adding in some herbs to like cinnamon, cayenne pepper or ginger to help boost the detox process, eat Whole Foods, cut back on processed foods
3. Do IF (this helps control insulin which will help control cravings)

4. Tummy massage, dry brush first thing in the morning then move your body (this helps flush your lymphatic system- getting rid of toxins)

5. ​​​​​​Add in your Max detox, Apple cider vinegar and turmeric  (this will help your body’s natural ability to detox so you can get back to balance faster, you can order here)


So let’s do a quick recap here…

Walk away from the Halloween candy bowl. Head to the store to get some herbs and foods to help boost your body’s natural ability to detox. Start with Intermittent fasting for at least 15 hours. Rub that tummy and get your body moving. 

Then when it is time to eat. I would keep things on the lighter side to allow your body to keep detoxing instead of change it’s focus to breaking down foods. You can do a nondairy coconut yogurt with a cup of blueberries. I would recommend coffee with cinnamon and some coconut milk (coconut is very healing on the gut) Then for lunch, doing cucumber, watermelon type of salad. This will actually help get the fluids moving in your body to flush your system faster. For dinner, having grass-fed organic beef with rosemary and asparagus. 

If you need a tasty drink before bed, you can do this one… Apple pie drink ❤️


Mix and enjoy!

I recommend repeating this for 3 days for best results. If you are still struggling to get rid of brain fog, boost energy, curb cravings, lose weight and feel great then it may be time to rewire your gut and hormone health. Really diving into what’s going on with your gut and hormone health so you can get the results you deserve without giving up your favorite foods. If you are ready to take action then book your free consultation by clicking here.

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