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If you are really serious about your goals, listen up…

I use to dread the Holidays because like the average American, I gained that unwanted 15lbs. Every year, I made that promise to myself that I wouldn’t gain that much weight but I always failed. Has that ever happen to you?

I realized it was because I never set myself up for true success…

The Holidays would come around and I would automatically jump on some insane diet, workout for hours then tell myself “no junk food”

Only to go home and eat all the pumpkin junk food I could possibly find. haha

I decided to change the way I did things because I was so sick of bringing in a New Year with an extra 15lbs of fat. I would always pick a super cute dress only to find, I didn’t have the confidence to wear it because the weight gain.

The way I changed things was having a simple, effective fat burning meals, quick fat burning, body sculpting workouts and a different mindset.

When I switched it up, I still had that self doubt so I knew I needed community in order to truly succeed. I needed that support so I found it and finally had healthy Holiday habits.

Now, it is my favorite time of the year because of all the yummy food and still managing to keep my dream body. Is that something you want to accomplish? 

If so, the FREE pumpkin butt challenge is for you…

NO more feeling like crap about yourself over eating a cookie. NO more stalled progress. NO more unwanted Holiday weight.  NO more staying stuck in the same patterns. NO more making excuses or not having the resources to change.

It is time for the pumpkin butt challenge.

Things have been funky since 2020 and I want you to end this year feeling great about yourself, no matter what’s going on around you!

You deserve to have the body you’ve always dreamed of.

Here’s the thing though… It’s going to take the next level commitment.

If you are willing to finally say YES to yourself, commit to the process and do the work you’ll find yourself happier than ever, never second guessing if that little black dress will look good on you.

Ready to know how this works?

This is a 30 day challenge.

The workouts are full body HIIT circuits to maximize fat loss and build lean muscle mass. I break down eating tips as well as how to supplement during each phase so you can get the best results.

Even though the workouts are full body workouts, there is a little extra focus on reducing cellulite, building up the booty and burning stubborn stomach fat.

That way you are ready to rock that little black dress WITH CONFIDENCE!

How I do that…

•  Simple fat burning eatings tips

• Quick fat burning body sculpting workouts for the week (workouts can be done at home, all you need is bands or dumbbells)

• Supplement recommendations

• IG  support (just tag me on your post so I can check in with you)

OH AND THAT DREAM BODY! You just have to do the easy things I tell you.

It is usually $47 a month but right now you get All of that for FREE.

I’ve helped thousands of people achieve their goals with this program.

So let me ask you: Why not you?
When is it your turn to feel your best?

Together we will…

• Help you understand exactly what foods to eat in order to burn fat and flatten your stomach
• Teach you how to build lean muscle mass through the right exercises which will dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite
• You will know how to perform exercises with a library of step-by-step demo videos
• I will email you weekly for accountability and check-ins
• You will become a part of our Facebook Group full of new friends on the same journey + additional support from me!

Are you ready to finally get results?

If so, then download your free challenge HERE



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