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Make your goal, your reality with these tips

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Overwhelmed with your weight loss journey?

I’ve been there a few times…

Here are simple ways to break down your goals and conquer them.

Tana Ashlee here, I have been in health and fitness for 20 years now! I have helped thousands of women worldwide conquer weight loss goals and actually maintain it. So I wanted to share some tips with you so you can start conquering your goals now.

 I started my journey young but that doesn’t mean it was always easy. 

I found myself binge eating after 2 days on a strict diet which always backfired and I’d gain weight instead of dropping weight. It was beyond frustrating to me and I knew something had to change so I could get this under wanted 40lbs off.

I finally realized strict diets and spending hours in the gym weren’t my thing. I found an incredible balance with foods and workouts that worked well for my body type which allowed me to do shorter workouts with better results. So I dropped the 40lbs and kept it off for 7 years.

Then I got pregnant… and I grew and grew and grew that 40lbs right back on. 42 to be exact. During pregnancy, I wasn’t worried about it because I just wanted a healthy baby girl (which I got thank God)  I was worried about getting the weight off after giving birth.

Postpartum hits. I have this beautiful little girl, no sleep, buried in laundry and trying to figure out how to get my life back on track!

I was so overwhelmed at the thought of losing the 42lbs I gained during pregnancy. It was discouraging to say the least. I wondered how will I find the time or energy to workout now that I am constantly always tired and seem to be buried in chores!?

I realized this wasn’t healthy because feeling overwhelmed will only lead to stress and stress leads to more belly fat so first thing first. It is time to break down this big goal into small goals. So my big goal was losing 42lbs, I broke that down into losing about 2lbs a week. I started simple. I mastered my mind (I CAN DO IT) I drank more water, I ate cleaner foods and I got my butt moving more! 

So my big 3 tips to get started on your fitness journey now…

  • Break it down, make it simple, make sure your thoughts are supportive and plan your days
  • Don’t diet, cut out processed foods, stay on top of your water
  • Increase movement whenever possible

I never push diets on my clients or myself because I found out the hard way that this is what leads to binge eating, yo-yo dieting and constantly starting over so don’t do some crazy, restrictive diet! Start by cutting out processed foods so breads, pasta, ice cream (save it for cheat day) then up your water intake by adding an extra bottle of water a day and do something you enjoy to get moving… Me personally… I love hiking, dancing with my baby girl or doing family walks when the sun is setting.

You don’t have to do a full blown gym workout to be active so stop holding your success back with this excuse. My daughter is almost 5 now and I am in the best shape of my life… not only that but happier, healthier and more energy. I have my moments when I eat more cookies and wine than I should but at the end of the day… I know how to get back on track and that is key to long term success.

Doing these small changes daily will get you the results you want and best of all KEEP them. Consistency is key to conquering all goals so make the time daily for your health even if it’s just a few minutes. It is better than none. If you want to dive deeper into your goals then let’s jump on a call. Book your call here, it is completely free.


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