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had to get this off my chest

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A lot of people lately have been saying a major thank you over the fact that I take the time to book calls with people before actually working with them.

They brought up how other coaches usually just push programs and supplements without any knowledge of them and it makes them feel like no one is listening which discourages them even more. It broke my heart.

I’ve been there. I was treated the same as everyone else when I first started my journey so I remember what it felt like. The worst part though… was that my weight loss journey wasn’t custom to me.

​​It was the same as every other person this coach worked with. None of my favorite foods were on the food guide which made it impossible to stick to, the workouts were way too hardcore and never focused on my problems areas. The fact that I am a woman with hormones was never even taken into consideration…

I was dumbfounded when I realized 98% of coaches train this way so it was time for change and that’s when I got certified and committed myself to make things easier for others. ​​

We are all so different, our muscle fibers, our metabolism, our digestive system, hormones, gut and thyroid health are different from the next person… Oh and let’s not forget lifestyle!

We all have that one friend who thrives on keto and crossfit. Right? But when we try it… it’ll last a few days maybe a few weeks then boom… we fall off then we beat ourselves up and believe we are just meant to settle.

The reason it doesn’t last is because it is not custom to you. When you are busy, on-the-go and love carbs like I do… you need something that will work with you, your life and your favorite carbs to truly thrive, enjoy and stick with it.

And when you stick with it, that’s where the lasting results come in. That’s how people lose weight and keep it off. That’s what I’ve helped thousands of women do worldwide for over the past decade. I want to help you do the same thing.

But first… we have to jump on a zoom call! On this call we will go over your goals, what you are doing, what will help and set you up for long term success. Do you have 20 minutes to do that?

If so, just book your call here. The call is completely free!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  1. Pick your dates and times
  2. Fill out your application
  3. Be ready to zoom with me and accomplish your goals


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