Detox Foods

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I’ve talked about this once before but I feel like people still need to hear it… STOP WASTING MONEY ON BULLSHIT!

Our bodies are so incredible and detox themselves but yet people are still buying into these detox scams. Most of them are just laxatives or help you pull water. So instead of spending a ton of money of teas and pills, I want to give you a list of foods, that will give your body that extra push to detox. There may be a few companies with herbs that help you detox but do your research!



If you want an extra boost to help your body detox, try these foods….

  • All Berries
  • Beets
  • Lemon
  • Green Vegetables
  • Cilantro
  • Artichoke
  • Spouts
  • Apples
  • Garlic
  • Onion

Vitamins to Boost your Body Detox….

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (tablet)
  • Turmeric
  • Vitamin A, B and C
  • Spirulina
  • Milk Thistle


Teas to boost Detox..

  • Green Tea
  • Dandelion Tea
  • Pomegranate Tea
  • Blueberry Tea

   These are healthy, effective things to add to your diet to boost your detox but no need in spending tons of money of expensive pills and teas. Always trying the natural way is the best way to start. Adding harmful things for a quick fix can lead to long term problems. So be smart, do research, ask questions and most of all be patient and kind to your body!


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