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Creating Wealth

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What does Wealth mean to you?

I use to just think wealth was all about money. That was all I cared about growing up. Let’s see how many cars and houses, I can get before I turn 30!

As I started down that journey, I realized it wasn’t that fulfilling… It was awesome to have that freedom but I wasn’t really making the impact my soul desired.

Wealth is fulfilling all your desires.

  • health/ taking care of yourself
  • taking care of your family
  • giving back to your community
  • having freedom
  • making an impact

Realizing this is when, I really took the focus off making money and truly focusing on how to impact lives. I started doing that through health and fitness. It was so touching to be able to watch these already incredible women transform into complete goddesses.

I was helping them step back into their true power and it made my heart sing!

But as my business grew and I talked to more potential clients, I realized I couldn’t continue to take on more clients for 2 reasons.

1. I didn’t have time

2. A lot of people couldn’t afford my service

So I had to really think hard on how I could actually help others beyond their health and fitness. That’s when my ex-boyfriend reached out with a new opportunity for me to impact lives on a deeper level and oddly enough it was through his baby mama and her new man.

My ex is a super smart business man so who was I to pass up the opportunity?

I can’t lie, I was super nervous meeting with baby mama and her man to hear about this opportunity. What if I was judged? What if I don’t know how to make this work?

Well, Lucky for me baby mama and her man are some of the sweetest people I have ever met. And beyond smart, if I may add. They built a small online business and turned it into an empire. Ashley had been a business expert while Alex was a marketing expert (talk about a duo!) Alex asked me how sponsorships had been going and funny enough,  I was in a battle with a company I had worked for, for years! And I told him, “OMG! I will never go back to that again after what this company put me through. I’d rather start my own product line and roll with that.” He laughed and showed me this documentary (I’ll post below)… which was dead on.

Starting my own product line would cost $25,000 or more with no guarantee of it ever working. Did I really want to gamble that kind of money right now? No… def not. Would you? haha

Instead Ashley and Alex showed me a way to have a line that I truly stand behind, make money from and didn’t have to invest an arm and a leg to start. Is this something that would interest you? Something that everyone can benefit from? Helping others get happy, healthy and wealthy? If so, Please take a moment to watch this documentary that took my life to another level and if you like it then I’d love to jump on a call with you and see how we can make this work for you!

or If you are an action taker and ready to change lives, you can get started now by clicking here.

We will set you up with everything you need in order to be successful and have true confidence in what you are doing! Cheers to the action takers and people who want to impact lives! XO

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