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Reduce Cellulite with these Exercises

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We all get cellulite, right?

But we all get it in different areas…

Today, I am going to share some tips, that no matter where it is at, you’ll know how to diminish it.

A lot of people have the misconception that since cellulite is fat, they have to run it off…

Well, that will help but if you want a more effective way, I do recommend lifting weights. Building that lean muscle mass in that area to help diminish the appearance of it.

The most common areas for cellulite are…

  • Triceps (back of arm)
  • Quads (front of thigh)
  • Hamstrings (back of thigh)
  • Glutes (booty)

I’ll break it down to the top 3 exercises you should do for that area…

  • Triceps: Skull Crushers, Kickbacks, Tricep Pull-Downs
  • Quads: Quad Extensions, Front Squat, Forward Lunge
  • Hamstring: Hamstring Curl, Straight Leg Deadlift, Hip Thrust
  • Glutes: Donkey Kickbacks, Single Leg Bridge, Sumo Squat

Doing these exercises with heavy weight will help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Doing the heaviest weight you can do with correct form, aim for about 8-12 reps and do at least 4-5 sets. As far as cardio, I would recommend stairs, sprints or row machine to blast that stubborn fat. Before I do this, I use an oil to help burn that fat and at night, I will dry brush and use a homemade cellulite scrub. If you want that recipe, click here.

Try these out for at least 4 weeks and let me know how it works for you. I always recommend keeping track by taking pictures.


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