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BYE BYE BAT WINGS! (tricep workout)

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I use to hate waving bye to my friends…I use to always wear long sleeve shirts because I was so insecure of my stubborn arm fat. This was my biggest struggle, I lifted for 13 years before seeing true results and that’s because I did everything wrong and paid the price of not living my best life for 13 years… shitty… right?

Time is our most valuable asset and I don’t want you wasting time like I did so it’s time to talk about that uncomfortable arm fat.

The more women I train, I realize I’m not the only one who was struggling with this.

Sadly, it is very common for us, women to store fat in our triceps, lower stomach, hips and thighs. Thanks to our hormones.

I only struggled with arms and lower abs, no matter what I tried. I would cut out carbs, fats, fruits and still couldn’t get the fluff to fall off!

When I realized all these crazy diets weren’t working and maybe I need to actually do a balanced diet with a good amount of weights and cardio, thats when the fluff finally started to come off!

I was so thrilled when I started seeing a bit of muscle on my arm.

Now that I had success with it, I wanted to share it with you guys!


  • Clean up your diet: Start doing IF, eat 3 healthy, balanced meals for expamle: ground turkey, quinoa pasta and broccoli with cheese and olive oil.
  • No more expensive fat burning creams: Stop with the expensive cream and get grapefruit or cinnamon oil. Mix it with coconut oil and massage into problem areas. Be careful with cinnamon oil if you have sensitive skin.
  • Get Your Cardio in: Aim for 20- 30 minutes 3-4 days a week.
  • Get Your Weights in: Aim for 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a week. Be sure to work all muscle groups not just one. I use to be guilty of this. I wanted to only focus on my problem areas but it got me no where. Having that balance of training full body helps big time. I do full body 5 days a week now. 40 minutes weights, 20 minutes cardio.
  •  PATIENCE! People give up so easy.  It’s why a lot of us don’t get the results we hoped for. We are good for a week or two then just say “f-it” because we didn’t drop weight. Seeing a good amount of results can take up to 3 months and if you are feeling stuck then join my free challenge by clicking here! I will show you everything you need to truly be successful. 


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