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Tummy Toner, Booty Builder

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With Bikini season approaching us… it is time to work off those Holiday calories and tone up!

Do you want to spend another year hiding under clothes or do you want to rock that 2 piece bikini with confidence this year?

Lets start with the Tummy Toner…
3 tips to tone the tummy
  1. Eat foods that banish the bloat and stay on top of your water. A lot of times, we eat food that cause bloating without even knowing it like dried fruit for example the sugar alcohol in it can cause bloating. Crazy, right? That’s why I try to tell people to stick with Whole Foods. That way there is no sneaky stuff in there, that will cause bloating. My favorite foods to banish the bloat are: asparagus, cucumbers, watermelon, pineapple and almonds.
  2. Poop talk. Adding in collagen, apple cider vinegar, probiotic, kombucha, digestive enzymes and more fiber will help keep you regular. These help with your gut lining and can also improve digestion which of course helps keep you regular and in return have a toner tummy.
  3. When it comes to workouts for core, I don’t recommend just crunches and cardio. Switch it to full body resistance training, get at least 20 minutes of lifting in then do a 5 minute core workout followed by 10-20 minutes of interval cardio.
Now The Booty Builder….
3 tips to build-a-booty
  1. EAT YOUR CARBS! A lot of women are scared of carbs because they don’t want to gain weight. Well, you won’t unless you are eating a ton of processed carbs. Refuel with carbs like oats, bean, rice, quinoa, potatoes and donuts (jk about the donuts unless it’s a cheat meal)
  2. Make sure you get enough protein! Some people think protein will make you fat or bulky but it won’t, it repairs our muscle and helps us build lean muscle mass which helps fight off the belly fat.
  3. Booty training, some women get scared to do squats because they are scared their legs will get big and they will swell while you are training because the blood pumping to your muscle but after some recovery time, it will go down. Building the perfect booty, you do need a mix of compound exercises and isolation exercises so perfect combo would be squats superset with kickbacks. Lift as heavy as you can without hurting yourself. When it comes to cardio, don’t do as much on your leg days especially while building.
One important tip for both, Be patient and positive with yourself.  Results don’t happen over night but they do happen when you stay consistent. Don’t focus on other people’s results, focus on what you are accomplishing and don’t give up. The only way to become your best self is to continue to kick ass every day! So GO DO IT!


You deserve to have the body you’ve always dreamed of. 

Here’s the thing though… It’s going to take the next level commitment. Are you ready to do that?

If you are willing to finally say YES to yourself, commit to the process and do the work you’ll find yourself happier than ever, never second guessing if that little black dress will look good on you. 

Ready to know how this works?

This is a 12 week challenge happening in the Stay Fit Monthly Challenge. 

The  Tummy Toner, Booty Builder.

I will teach you how to properly do IF while having a well balanced diet so you can kick the cravings and learn to control your eating.

The workouts are full body HIIT circuits to maximize fat loss and build lean muscle mass. 

Even though the workouts are full body workouts, there is a little extra focus on reducing cellulite, building up the booty and burning stubborn stomach fat. 

That way you are ready to rock that little black dress WITH CONFIDENCE!

How I do that…

• Biweekly 5-day meal guide

• Biweekly 5-day workout guide (workouts can be done at home, all you need is bands or dumbbells)

• Form videos

• Supplement recommendations

• Facebook support

• Email support

OH AND $500 CASH PRIZE FOR GETTING THAT DREAM BODY! You just have to do the easy things I tell you.

It is usually $47 a month but right now you get All of that for $27 a month so less than $1 a day!

SIGN UP HERE before the challenge is filled up:

I’ve helped thousands of people achieve their goals with this program.

So let me ask you: Why not you?

When is it your turn to feel your best?

Together we will…

• Help you understand exactly what foods to eat in order to burn fat and flatten your stomach

• Teach you how to build lean muscle mass through the right exercises which will dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite

• You will know how to perform exercises with a library of step-by-step demo videos

• I will email you weekly for accountability and check-ins

• You will become a part of our Facebook Group full of new friends on the same journey + additional support from me!

Are you ready to finally get results?

YESSS! Let’s go! to get YOUR spot now!


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