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Taco Tuesday and Meal Tips!

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Happy Taco Tuesday!

I have been experimenting with healthy recipe alternatives for a while now and figured I’d share some of my favorite recipes with you all. We all know about lettuce taco recipes, taco salad recipes and other basic recipes like that but I wanted to take it to a new level with a SQUASH recipe! YES! I said Squash. Sounded weird at first but this is one of my favorite meals now.

Taco Squash…

Yes, I said Taco Squash! Perfect for Fall Season and Taco Tuesday! Packed with Fiber so great for anyone looking to tone their tummy and build that booty! You’ll also get 9% of the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber, also delivering a range of nutrients, including vitamins C and A, Potassium & Calcium.


  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Black Bean
  • Bell Pepper
  • Onion
  • Avocado
  • Cilantro
  • Cheese
  • Taco Seasoning

Want more Recipes? Check out my Ebook Here!

Dessert Lover? I have a Guilt- Free Dessert Ebook as Well! Check it out Here!


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