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How to get back on track

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Have you given up on your goals just because you fell off for a bit?

It is so common to “fall off”

To be honest, I do it every weekend. haha In my opinion, that is balance and it has worked out great for me. Old me wouldn’t have been ok with it which is why I was 40lbs overweight and depressed.

I was so focused on being strict and killing myself in the gym then when I didn’t see results, I would binge eat out of stress leading to more weight gain. After struggling for 6 years, I knew something had to change… mostly because my cholesterol was threw the roof and my asthma was out of control but I was so sick of being miserable trying to get healthy.

Here is exactly what you need to get back on track once and for all.

  1. Get Motivated. Motivation is just an emotion. Just like being happy or sad, you can create that emotion by the music you listen to or how you carry yourself so it’s time to create the emotion of motivation.

How do you create motivation?

  • I would recommend looking at where you are now. Take a picture of yourself and tape it next to your dream body then put it next to your bed so that way you see that first thing in the morning then play a motivation video or speech from youtube and that should get you up and moving.
  • Set up your goals, tied to a why. Something that is very meaningful to you. My reason for being healthy now is so I can be the best mom I can be, the best trainer and motivator to everyone in my life.
  • Celebrate your wins. I had a client who would go out and buy a super nice dress that was 2 sizes too small and that was her motivation and celebration all in one. She got to wear her beautiful dress once she dropped 2 sizes and she’d go out for a fun night out to celebrate that win. I loved this idea so much, that I decided to try it and it was the most motivating way to kick some butt and celebrate!

2. GET A GAME PLAN. Don’t just say you are going to do something. Actually set up something so you can take action.

  • Reverse engineer. Big goal> how do I get there?

Small task or habit changes leading up to the big goal.

Example: Instead of having a sugar filled drink for breakfast everyday, I will start my day with a high protein smoothie. That is a small habit change to start working up to your big goal. Make sense?

3. No dieting. We all assume we need to go on an insane diet but that just sets us up for failure because we will over eat and blow our “diet” the second we get a chance to! That is why I decided to let myself and my clients have a free for all on the weekends.

I recommend truly having a balanced diet. Don’t cut out carbs, don’t cut out fats, don’t be scared of protein. We need all those in order to be healthy and function properly.

  • I do recommend cleaning up your eating habits. So instead of ordering pizza and eating cheeseburgers daily, order something like a burger bowl or get a cauliflower pizza.

Switching things out like that helps big time in the long run. Also, cut back on sugary drinks. Those are never good to have daily. No benefit what so ever so work on cutting those out and upping your water intake. To help with cravings during the week, I would recommend 2 max detox pills, 1 in the morning, 1 at night for the first 2 weeks. I also recommend a probiotic at night along with apple cider vinegar to help with bloating. You can order those by clicking here.

Start with these simple steps and take it one day at a time and I know you will be back on track in no time.

If you want to dive deeper on this topic then book your free consult here.

We will start the call talking about your goals, what you’re doing wrong and the perfect game plan to get you on track once and for all.

  • no more counting calories or macro counting
  • learn how to be a fat-burning machine
  • learn how to have endless energy and motivation everyday
  • how to rewire your mind so you can have long term success
  • how to rewire your mind so you can break the cycle on constantly starting over

Book your call by clicking here now.

  1. pick your date and time
  2. fill out your questionnaire
  3. be ready to zoom with me

Can’t wait to set you up for long term success.


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