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Struggling to get rid of cellulite?

Let’s go over some great tips on how to get rid of cellulite! Every woman has it so it’s nothing to be embarrassed about! My gym shorts love to squishy my cellulite together hahaha and I just rock it! I get it right under my bum when I have been eating poorly.

People always wonder where does cellulite come from?

What Causes Cellulite…

  • Genetics can play a factor BUT DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU
  • Eating Junk Food
  • Sugar
  • Soda, Alcohol
  • Not Lifting Weights

How to Get Rid of Cellulite…

  • Eat More greens
  • More Healthy Fats
  • More Water
  • Massaging or Foam Rolling Your Troubled Area
  • Lift Heavier Weights
  • Grapefruit or Cinnamon Oil Has Been Shown to Help

Here are some great Workouts to get rid of Cellulite On Hamstrings (most common area)

    • Hamstring Curl to Kickback
    • Squat to Sidekick
    • Lunge to Kickback
    • Wide to Narrow Jump Squat
    • Deadlift

Try to lift as heavy as you can without hurting yourself. You should feel sore but not hurt. A good way to measure weight is do a set and if it is too light then up it by 2-5lbs!

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